There are 133 articles that meet your search term - George W. Bush - in the Archives.
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US seeks tougher pipeline oversight 09/26/2010
The Obama administration called for tighter federal oversight of oil and gas pipelines Sept. 15 in the wake of a deadly California gas explosion that raised alarms about the safety of the nation's agi...
Bush DOI chiefs: Major spill not expected 07/25/2010
Two former Interior secretaries told Congress July 20 they did not anticipate an accident as large as the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
But Gale Norton and Dirk Kempthorne say no one else did ei...
Oil Patch Insider 06/13/2010 Investors show lots of love for Alaska newcomer Miller Petroleum; Chappell retires from BP; Pearce moves on
Oil giant BP has seen its stock price plummet by more than half since the Deepwater Horizon exploded on April 20.
But the trend is markedly different for a small oil and gas company that ventured onto...
Salazar ends first year vowing reforms 01/10/2010 US Interior Secretary says he'll announce reforms in how energy leases issued on federal lands, how endangered species protected
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar started on the job a year ago pledging to clean up an agency hit by scandals and assailed by critics as under the sway of the oil and gas industry.
Starting his second y...
Pearce steps down as gas line coordinator 11/22/2009 President asked for resignation; legislative aide Persily says feds are checking his background for 'possible federal position'
Drue Pearce, the first and so far the only person to hold the position of federal coordinator for Alaska natural gas transportation projects, announced Nov. 16 she'll vacate the job at the request of...
Oil will hit $150 again 08/23/2009 Herrera, Simmons: The question is when, not if, but too many variables in play to predict
Hoping for higher oil prices? Be careful what you wish for.
Longtime oil industry observer Roger Herrera is convinced that high oil prices, though often omitted in current economic and political deba...
Limits on energy futures to be aired 07/12/2009 Futures trading commission to hold hearings; Congress, traders concerned about speculation in crude oil futures market
Federal regulators will examine whether the government should impose limits on the number of futures contracts in oil and other energy commodities held by speculative traders, the head of the Commodit...
US Congress weighs global warming bill 04/26/2009 EPA says April 17 it will use Clean Air Act to address 6 gases; congressional hearings begin on revolutionary environmental bill
The last time Congress passed major environmental laws, acid rain was destroying lakes and forests, polluted rivers were on fire and smog was choking people in some cities.
The fallout from global wa...
Tiptoeing through a minefield 03/01/2009 Obama, Harper decide it's too early to walk the talk on climate-change measures, agree they need a joint approach for treaty talks
To bad Barack Obama didn't have an hour or two of free time during his Ottawa visit Feb. 19.
He could have dropped in on the first Tar Sands Film Festival, which, no matter how long it lasts, is unli...
Oil Patch Insider 02/15/2009 NANA leases 2.2M acres; BRPC sells Stinson leases; Benchmark pulls out; Rutter bringing in rig
NANA Regional Corp. has leased 2.2 million acres onshore in the northwestern Alaska Kotzebue basin to Trio Petroleum, a Bakersfield, Calif., independent oil and gas producer.
Trio, which has hired Ala...
Bad economic news a drag on oil prices 01/25/2009
Rising U.S. jobless claims and a slump in new home construction pushed oil prices lower Jan. 22 on fears that crude demand in the world's largest economy will soften further.
Some positive earnings re...
MMS extends scoping comments deadline for Bristol Bay lease sale 08/17/2008
The Minerals Management Service has extended its deadline for accepting comments from the public about what the federal agency should consider as it weighs the environmental impacts of future oil and...
Bush lifts OCS ban but Congress balks 07/20/2008 Executive ban lifted on offshore drilling; for practical effect Congress must also act; Democratic leaders call plan a sham
U.S. President George W. Bush lifted an executive ban on offshore oil drilling July 14 and challenged Congress to do the same, a gambit to turn the enormous public frustration about gasoline prices in...
Energy is Canada's ace if NAFTA reopened; political leaders warn U.S. against opening Pandora's Box 07/13/2008
Twenty years ago, when negotiations were getting under way for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (known as FTA and forerunner of the subsequent North American trade pact that includes Mexico), doub...
U.S. Treasury: 'no quick fix' to high oil 06/08/2008
The U.S. Treasury Secretary said June 1 there is "no quick fix" to high oil prices on a trip designed to urge Mideast producers to allow more outside investment to help boost output.
Henry Paulson to...