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May 01, 2014 --- Vol. 08, No. 18May 2014


GOLD – Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. May 1 reported quarterly net income of US$108.9 million, or US63 cents per share for the first quarter of 2014. This result includes a non-cash foreign currency translation gain of US$8.3 million US5 cents per share), non-cash stock option expense of US$9.5 million (US5 cents per share) and other non-recurring gains of US$3.3 million US2 cents per share). Excluding these items would result in adjusted net income of US$106.8 million, or US61 cents per share. In the first quarter of 2013, the company reported net income of US$23.9 million, or US14 cents per share. First quarter 2014 cash provided by operating activities was US$247.7 million (US$193.7 million before changes in non-cash components of working capital), compared to cash provided by operating activities of US$146.1 million in the first quarter of 2013 (US$134.5 million before changes in non-cash components of working capital). The company achieved the higher net income and cash provided by operating activities in 2014 despite lower gold prices. Realized gold prices in the first quarter of 2013 were 23 percent higher than those realized in the first quarter of 2014. Significantly higher gold production (55 percent) combined with lower production expense in 2014 were largely responsible for the strong financial results, when compared to the first quarter of 2013. “The record production for the first quarter of 2014 continues to build on Agnico Eagle’s 2013 operational success. Once again, Meadowbank has been a key contributor to our outstanding production results. Given the strong first-quarter performance, we currently expect to exceed the top end of our production guidance and do better than the lower end of our cash cost forecast for 2014,” said Sean Boyd, Agnico Eagle’s president and CEO. Operating highlights include: Record quarterly gold production of 366,421 ounces at total cash costs of US$537 per ounce; and record quarterly gold production at Meadowbank of 156,444 oz at a total cash cost of US$434 per ounce. The lower costs in the 2014 period were largely attributable to record quarterly production and lower costs at Meadowbank and higher grades at LaRonde. Given the strong first-quarter 2014 production, Agnico Eagle now expects gold production to exceed the higher end of the 2014 guidance range of 1,175,000 to 1,205,000 ounces, while total cash costs are forecast to be better than the lower end of the guidance range of US$670 to US$690 per ounce. As noted in the year-end 2013 results, 2014 production is expected to be higher in the first half of the year, largely due to higher expected grades at Meadowbank. For the full year 2014, the all-in sustaining costs3 are expected to be better than the previously forecast guidance of US $990 per ounce.

AWARD – Baffinland Iron Mines Corp. May 1 reported that it won the Murray Pyke Award at the 2014 Nunavut Mining Symposium’s Gala Dinner in Iqaluit, Nunavut. The annual award, this year accepted by Baffinland President and CEO Tom Paddon, recognizes the contribution of a mining, exploration, or related company to the economic and social development of a community, region or the territory of Nunavut in general. As well as manning a booth at the trade show on day 2, an event which included a well-attended free access afternoon for the general public, a few members of the Baffinland team gave presentations at the symposium. “The Mary River Project has the ability to greatly contribute to the development of infrastructure, skills training, and employment and business opportunities for the people of Nunavut,” said Paddon. “The success of the project, however, relies on the cooperation of all stakeholders, working together to achieve mutual benefits from the ground up,” he added. Upon presenting the award, Bernie MacIsaac, co-chair of the Nunavut Mining Symposium Society said: “Baffinland has been a solid player on Nunavut’s mining scene for many years. The recent signing of the IIBA agreement with QIA certainly shows they have made the grade, and we are looking forward to hearing more good news out of them.” MacIsaac also told the audience that the awards committee, when reviewing the nominations it received in this category, had identified one resounding theme: “This is Baffinland’s year.” Murray William Pyke was a founder, executive and director of Comaplex Resources and Bonterra Energy, both of Calgary. A prominent figure in minerals and petroleum exploration in Canada, Murray spent many summers in the bush, mapping the Canadian Precambrian Shield in northern Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. This work reflected his love of the outdoors, satisfied his scientific intellect and nurtured a deep respect for the indigenous peoples of Canada whom he worked and lived with during those years.

GOLD/MANAGEMENT – Pacific Cascade Minerals Inc. April 30 said it has signed an agreement with 2406031 Ontario Ltd. to purchase the Turner Lake project in near Bathurst Inlet, Nunavut. The property consists of three claims – Jam 1, Jam 2 and Jam 3 – covering 2,762 hectares (6,825 acres) some 560 kilometers (350 miles) northeast of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Under the terms of the agreement Pacific Cascade is to purchase a 100 percent right title and interest in the property in exchange for 1 million Pacific Cascade Minerals shares to be delivered to the vendor within 10 days of successful transfer of the claims title. There is a 1 percent net smelter return reserved by the original property owners on all three claims and a further 1 percent NSR on Jam 1 with buyouts in place for all of the NSRs. The property contains three known Archean mineral occurrences – Main and East gold zones and Nickel Knob. The Main zone trends for approximately 500 meters and occurs along an Archean aged rift off a larger regional structure. Para-conglomerates occur on the down drop side of the rift that was later intruded by an Archean age intermediate intrusive. Gold mineralization at Main is situated along an iron-magnesium tholiietic contact with the majority of the gold hosted in a fractured, iron-rich metasediment containing quartz veining. Gauge minerals include arsenopyrite and minor pyrrhotite with visible commonly observed in the quartz veins. Indications of elevated silver and bismuth concentrations also present. The Main gold zone was first discovered in the 1960s and has been the focus of most exploration work. During the late 1980s, Chevron Minerals Ltd. and Silver Hart Mines Ltd. undertook systematic diamond drilling and surface sampling of this zone. Highlights of their 18 hole, diamond drilling program of the Main Gold Zone include: 28.00 grams per metric ton gold over 4.75 meters; 12.86 g/t gold over 8.87 meters; 4.08 g/t gold over 15.27 meters; 15.2 g/t gold over four meters; and 10 g/t gold over five meters. A 21-hole diamond drill program was carried out by Northrock Resources Inc. in 2008 outlined gold mineralization at the Main gold showing and discovered massive sulfide mineralization at the Nickel Knob showing. Nickel Knob drilling discovered that the gossanous showing with up to 5-15 percent sulfides is the upper portion of a polymetallic massive sulfide zone. The zone is hosted in volcanoclastics with an altered ultramafic unit along the footwall of one drill section. Nickel was drill tested along a 50-meter inferred strike length and to a depth of 70 meters and remains open. Core lengths are estimated to range between 55-80 percent of true width as the zone is interpreted to have a near vertical dip. Pacific Cascade reports that 1,181.7 meters of diamond drilling carried out in 2009 confirmed the Main gold zone has good continuity along strike and down-dip and significant gold mineralization occurs within a brecciated, meta-greywacke enclosed within ultramafic volcanics. Visible gold was noted in eight of the nine holes completed in 2009.

Additionally, Pacific Cascade said Stephen Millen has stepped down from the board of directors to pursue other business activities. Sean Orr has agreed to sit as an independent director of the company. Orr is proprietor of Janic Construction and a long time shareholder of the Pacific Cascade. Marc Tran resigned the position of chief financial officer in January to pursue other business activities. Oliver Foeste has agreed to take the position of CFO. Foeste is a chartered accountant with more than 10 years of experience in financial reporting, corporate governance, and corporate restructuring. He is the managing partner of Invictus Accounting Group LLP, a Vancouver, B.C-based accounting, tax and advisory firm which specializes in financial reporting and internal control solutions for publicly listed issuers as well as assurance and tax services for privately held clients. Since November 2010, Foeste has been a director and audit committee member of Inca One Resources Corp., a Peruvian-focused exploration company with toll-milling operations.

COOPERATION AGREEMENTS – Sabina Gold & Silver Corp and the Kitikmeot Inuit Association April 28 said they have finalized the details of two agreements to foster and build on a relationship of cooperation between the two organizations as they work towards the responsible development of the Back River gold project. Kitikmeot is the surface title holder of 104,278 square kilometers (40,262 square miles) of Inuit owned lands, including the majority of the lands which comprise Back River. The association represents the interests of Inuit beneficiaries in the Kitikmeot region under the Nunavut Land Claims Act and is a participant in the environmental assessment process of Back River. Kitikmeot Inuit Association President Charlie Evalik acknowledged Sabina for its support of KIA’s ambitions to create opportunities for the beneficiaries of the region. “The KIA is committed to principles of economic sustainability and environmental stewardship in respect of Back River. We view these agreements as important steps to establishing a cooperative long term relationship which is aligned with these principles. Sabina is a welcome participant in this process,” he said. In recognition of Inuit rights, Sabina and Kitikmeot have finalized a development trust fund agreement whereby Sabina will establish and contribute to the development trust on behalf of the Inuit association. The trust will be established with an objective of contributing funding towards short and long term development projects and initiatives including training and education as well as infrastructure projects that will serve to support sustainable economic development in the region. The development agreement incorporates the following terms: the trust would receive three percent of Sabina’s net proceeds from the silver royalty on the Hackett River and Wishbone properties sold to Glencore Canada Plc; to kick off the initiative, Sabina paid about C$1.4 million to an existing KIA fund which provides for development and community initiatives in the Kitikmeot region; funds contributed to the trust would be allocated by the trustees to initiatives that provide benefits to the Kitikmeot region; a portion of the funds would be retained for allocation after mine or project closure; payments can be made to the trust in shares at Sabina’s election (subject to regulatory approval). Sabina President and CEO Rob Pease said, “We view this trust as a vehicle to cultivate long-term relationships with the beneficiaries of the region, train our future employees and potentially support infrastructure needs and growth in the future. We are proud to be one of the first companies in Nunavut to create such a trust.” As previously reported, environmental assessment and permitting processes for Back River are underway. Sabina said it is committed to working efficiently with the KIA through the process and recognizes that the KIA has an immediate need to increase its personnel capacity to respond to the technical review of the project. To this end, Sabina and the KIA have finalized a capacity funding agreement. Under the terms of the agreement, Sabina will fund the KIA based on an agreed work plan and budget for the environmental assessment and permitting processes. Funding will occur over an estimated period of three years ending in 2016, which is the anticipated completion of the permitting process. This funding will enable the KIA to establish stable, long term funding to enable the KIA to employ staff, retain certain technical specialists and to conduct such administrative and management functions as are required with the process.

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