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October 03, 2013 --- Vol. 07, No. 40October 2013

Cantex discovers mineralization at Yukon’s North Rackla Project

Cantex Mine Development Corp. provided updates Oct. 3 and Sept. 25 on its gold exploration program in Yukon Territory.

The company Sept. 25 reported that gold (plus 33 elements including arsenic and antimony) has been analyzed for 2,301 of 11,007 soil-talus samples collected in 2013 on the North Rackla claim group. Eight areas have been identified with weakly to strongly anomalous gold, arsenic and antimony; nine areas, with weakly to moderately anomalous gold and arsenic; and 16 areas with anomalous arsenic and antimony.

Weakly to strongly anomalous gold results may require additional lines to be sampled to better define targets for drill testing. Of particular note is a 300-meter section of a line in which all but two of 11 samples collected along the line were intensively anomalous in gold, arsenic and antimony.

This area is located in moderately flat terrain, largely covered by moss and underlain by Proterozoic marine shale with apparent silicified argillacous limestone crosscut by geolithic vein quartz with tiny disseminated pyrite and microscopic ovoid silvery-colored (arsenian?) pyrite.

The area is about 900 meters upslope from a heavy mineral stream sediment sample that is also strongly anomalous in gold, arsenic, antimony and all key pathfinder elements indicative of a Nevada and Yukon Carlin-style mineralization.

Two hundred and 17 samples that are anomalous in gold, arsenic and antimony have been submitted for analysis for thalium and all other key pathfinder elements indicative of Carlin-style mineralization.

Cantex said its geologists are extremely pleased with the preliminary soil-talus geochemical and microscopic results, which indicate that areas of Carlin-style gold mineralization have been identified. Core drilling and trenching will be required to establish gold grades and true widths. An additional 1,937 soil-talus samples from the North Rackla claim group have been prepared for geochemical analysis.

Cantex Oct. 3 also said it identified two anomalous areas from the first of the summer’s sample results within the North Rackla claim block. One area hosted a 300-meter-long line of soil-talus samples that were strongly anomalous in gold, arsenic and antimony, which is characteristic of Carlin-type gold mineralization.

Upon receipt of these results, a field team, led by geologists Chad Ulansky and Charles Fipke, flew to the anomalous zone to collect an additional eight lines of soil-talus sampling (lines offset to each side of the anomalous line at 25, 50, 100 and 150 meters). Even though the area was covered in about 30 centimeters of snow, some mapping was completed on nine exposed outcrops along a creek crosscutting the 300-meter strongly anomalous zone. It was established that the shale-argillite units trend northeast and dip southeast and are crosscut by the northwest trending 300-meter strongly anomalous line as well as all of the eight parallel newly sampled lines. Thus, the 300 meters is the apparent thickness of the intensely anomalous gold-arsenic-antimony zone. The true thickness will need to be established by trenching and drilling while an indication of the strike length will be provided by the recent soil-talus sampling. Cantex also said the exposed outcrops of marine shale and argillite contain tiny disseminated sulphides and are crosscut by quartz-carbonate veinlets and veins containing disseminated sulphides. Eleven rock samples of these were collected for analysis for gold and key pathfinder elements for Carlin-style mineralization. The second anomalous zone is located 1,150 meters to the northwest of the first zone. A rock (float) grab sample of a mixture of vuggy siliceous goethite gossan and a grab sample consisting of a mixture of vuggy and siliceous goethite limestone breccia contains 2,910 parts-per-billion gold, 77 ppb silver, 7,570 ppb arsenic and 318 ppb antimony. This rock sample was collected about 25 meters down slope from two soil-talus samples collected over a 50- meter section of line that analyzed moderately to strongly anomalous in gold, arsenic and antimony. Heavy snow cover prevented extensive sampling, but three soil-talus samples were obtained on a line to within 40 meters of the anomalous rock talus sample site. The explorers also noted that the 50-meter northwest trending line of samples upslope was collected across the thickness of the (locally stromatolitic) limestone stratigraphy that strikes northeast and dips southeast. Thus, the 50 meters represents an apparent width of moderately to highly anomalous gold-arsenic-antimony, Cantex said. Trenching or drilling will be required to establish the true width.

Samples have been sent to CF Mineral Research Ltd. in Kelowna, B.C. for preparation prior to analysis. The forthcoming analytical results should be available in November. Results from this new Carlin-style gold area will be released when received, the company added.

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