Providing coverage of Alaska and Northwest Canada's mineral industryJune 2016
Vol 21, No. 25 | Week of June 19, 2016 |
Mining News: News Nuggets: Redstar Gold seeks new Unga targets
Redstar Gold Corp. June 8 reported the start of an exploration program focused on delineating new drill targets at the Shumagin prospect of its Unga gold project, located on Unga and Popof Islands just off the Alaska Peninsula. Past trenching and drilling in the Shumagin prospect area has traced high-grade gold-silver veins for more than 1,200 meters along strike and to a depth of 330 meters. The company said multiple dilation zones and coincident gold-silver bearing breccia bodies that have yet to be thoroughly tested exist along strike Shumagin scarp. This year’s program also will include detailed structural mapping and drill targeting at Empire Ridge, the southwest extension of the historic Apollo gold mine. Up to 157 grams per metric ton silver have been collected in exposed vein gossans at Empire Ridge. Quartz vein breccias sampled at the southernmost exposure of the Apollo open stope, roughly 500 meters northeast of Empire Ridge, returned assays of 216 g/t gold and 74.5 g/t silver. The company also plans to carry out reconnaissance mapping and sampling focused on identifying drill targets at Orange Mountain, a roughly one square kilometer (250 acres) alteration zone that is interpreted to lie above an epithermal system(s) that is an extension to the Shumagin prospect to the southwest.
-Shane Lasley
Mining News North - Phone: 1-907 522-9469 - Fax: 1-907 522-9583 --- --- S U B S C R I B E
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