Senators quiz Jewell on Arctic policies Interior secretary says she supports continued Arctic oil and gas exploration; anticipates traveling to Alaska to discuss issues Alan Bailey Petroleum News
Sally Jewell, President Obama’s nominee to replace Ken Salazar as Interior secretary, has expressed support for continued Arctic oil and gas exploration, “with the right rules in place,” Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, announced after a Feb. 28 meeting with Jewell. Jewell has also committed to travel to Alaska as soon as possible to talk to Alaskans about key issues such as oil and gas development and subsistence, Begich said. Jewell, CEO of outdoor recreational equipment firm REI, has previously worked in the oil industry and at one time worked as an energy expert in banking.
Jewell told Begich that during her time working as a banker she gained some familiarity with Alaska Native issues and had visited the Red Dog Mine near Kotzebue.
If confirmed as Interior secretary, Jewell will play a key role in overseeing energy development policies in federal lands in Alaska.
“I am glad Ms. Jewell understands the great potential for our state and nation from Arctic oil and gas development,” Begich said. “We all agree development must take place in a safe and responsible manner. With the amount of resources in Alaska’s Arctic, the question is no longer if development will take place, the question is how.”
King Cove road issue According to an Associated Press report Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, met with Jewell on Feb. 27, discussing issues such as offshore drilling in Alaska’s Arctic waters and emphasizing Alaska’s offshore resources, as well as the resource potential of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Murkowski said that Jewell is committed to the process that enabled Shell to conducts its Arctic offshore project in 2012, the Associate Press said.
The Associated Press also said that Murkowski has threatened to hold up Jewell’s nomination unless the Obama administration agrees to a land exchange that will enable the village of King Cove in the Aleutian Islands to build a road through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge to an all-weather airport. The villagers want a road to the airport to enable access to adequate medical care in the event of medical emergencies during periods of bad weather. The Department of the Interior recently rejected the land swap concept.