The Explorers 2010: Linc Energy
Linc Energy isn’t dilly-dallying in Alaska. The Australian company bought 123,000 acres from fellow independent GeoPetro Resources in March 2010 and immediately planned a drilling program. The acreage covers state, Cook Inlet Region Inc., and Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority land in two prospects, one near Point MacKenzie along the western bank of Knik Arm, and the other at Trading Bay on the west side of Cook Inlet.
Linc plans to drill the LEA No. 1 well near Point MacKenzie in October to look for conventional natural gas resources, but longer term the company is focused on generating synthesis gas from deep coal deposits using Underground Coal Gasification.
Current exploration focus:
Cook Inlet: Linc plans to drill a natural gas exploration well near Point MacKenzie in the fall of 2010. The drilling site is near an existing Enstar Natural Gas distribution line.
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