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Below are articles from this week's edition of Petroleum News. Subscribers must log in above to view the complete articles. Subscribe now for full access.
  • Hilcorp expanding - 06/30/2024 (Full story) Another major oil and gas company, Eni, is pulling out of Alaska, with Hilcorp Alaska acquiring Eni's assets in the state, the Nikaitchuq and Oooguruk units on the North Slope. Hilcorp specializes in maximizing production from declining fields as majors move on to newer prospects and began doing th....

  • ANS stable over $85 - 06/30/2024 (Login to read Full story) Alaska North Slope crude bolstered its position above the $85 mark June 26, tacking on 12 cents to close at $85.91. West Texas Intermediate added 7 cents to its margin above $80 with a close of $80.90 and Brent rose 24 cents to close at $85.25. Prices firmed up despite a surprise jump in U.S. reserv....

  • A record energy year - 06/30/2024 (Login to read Full story) The year 2023 set records for global energy consumption as well as global oil and coal production and growth in renewable energy. Those were among the key takeaways in the 2023 Statistical Review of World Energy, released June 20 by the Energy Institute and co-authors KPMG and Kearney. The Statisti....

  • Ninilchik unit POD and delay of unit contraction both approved - 06/30/2024 (Login to read Full story) On May 1, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources' Division of Oil and Gas received the proposed 2024-25 20th Ninilchik unit plan of development, or POD, from Hilcorp Alaska for the period of Aug. 1 through July 31, 2025. The company was notified on June 25 that the POD for the Cook Inlet basin u....

  • Badami's latest development plan approved, includes exploration wells - 06/30/2024 (Login to read Full story) On June 20, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources' Division of Oil and Gas approved the proposed annual Badami unit plan of development, or POD, from operator Savant Alaska LLC. Among other things, Savant committed to continue exploration and development of the new Badami and Killian sand prosp....

  • Portion of Oliktok Pipeline to be expanded from 8 to 16 inches - 06/30/2024 (Login to read Full story) Oliktok Pipeline has applied to the Regulatory Commission of Alaska for a construction permit to replace 1,400 feet of the line to match the remainder of the line's 16-inch diameter pipe. RCA said in a June 20 public notice that the replacement line would be from the tie-in at Skid 50 to Module 501....

  • Baker Hughes US rig count down 2 at 588 - 06/30/2024 (Login to read Full story) The Baker Hughes' U.S. rotary drilling rig count was 588 the week ending June 21, down two from 590 the previous week, and down by 94 from 682 a year ago, after dropping by four the week ending June 14. Over the last eight weeks the rig count was unchanged one week, down in six and up in one with a....

  • This month in history: Arc of plenty - 06/30/2024 (Login to read Full story) Editor's note: This story first appeared in the June 13, 2004, issue of Petroleum News. It may not be the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska or the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but it is currently the hottest little exploration trend on Alaska's North Slope. Over the last several years Denver-b....

  • Oil & Gas jobs up 9.5% year over year - 06/30/2024 (Login to read Full story) May employment figures for the state, released by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development June 21, show May jobs up 2.9% from May 2023, with oil and gas jobs up 9.5% over that same period. Nonfarm state employment -- private and government combined -- averaged 339,100 in May, up 10....

  • Notice for DNR carbon storage reg revisions - 06/30/2024 (Login to read Full story) On June 21, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources issued a public notice of scoping for possible DNR regulation revisions in carbon storage licensing and leasing regulations for the Division of Oil and Gas. House Bill 50 will authorize the division to issue exploration licenses and leases on st....

  • Oil patch bits: Airgas sponsoring 2024 SkillsUSA conference - 06/30/2024 (Login to read Full story) Airgas, an Air Liquide company, said June 20 that it will once again sponsor and supply all industrial gases used at the SkillsUSA National Leadership & Skills Conference in Atlanta. Airgas will supply the industrial gases and equipment needed for many SkillsUSA championship competitions, including....

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  • Shell surrenders W. Harrison Bay leases 05/15/2024
  • Armstrong exploration drilling campaign extends prolific Brookian topset fairway 65 miles to east 04/23/2024
  • Hilcorp applies to expand Milne Point unit 03/08/2024
  • Jade files request for reconsideration with ADNR commissioner 03/04/20242

    The eAlert News Bulletin Service is our premier information service. Often delivered multiple times per week by email, it provides the latest breaking news for the oil and gas industry.
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