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Below are articles from this week's edition of Petroleum News. Subscribers must log in above to view the complete articles. Subscribe now for full access.
  • Oil nosedive abates - 07/28/2024 (Full story) Crude prices broke a three-day losing streak July 24, as West Texas Intermediate rose 63 cents to close at $77.59, and Brent gained 70 cents to close at $81.71. The Alaska North Slope closing price was unavailable as Petroleum News went to press July 25. U.S. reserves of crude, gasoline and diesel s....

  • A CI lease suspension - 07/28/2024 (Login to read Full story) In a July 16 court order Judge Sharon Gleason of the federal District Court in Alaska ordered the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to rework the environmental impact statement for BOEM's December 2022 lease sale for federal waters of the lower Cook Inlet. A group of environmental organizations had....

  • Oil patch insider: Benson named head trucking assoc., Hasquet runs for ANC Chamber BD - 07/28/2024 (Login to read Full story) Effective July 21, Jamie Benson, a lifelong Alaskan and a results driven leader with a proven track record of success in the transportation industry, was named executive director of the Alaska Trucking Association. With a background of leadership in logistics, strategic planning and business managem....

  • AOGCC approves Milne spacing exception abutting Kuparuk unit - 07/28/2024 (Login to read Full story) A recent spacing exception approval by the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission deals with a proposed well at the boundary of the Milne Point and Kuparuk River units, with the potential for a small amount of oil to be produced across the unit boundary in the initial pre-production phase of an....

  • Apache Cook Inlet seismic to be released by Alaska O&G agency - 07/28/2024 (Login to read Full story) The Alaska Department of Natural Resources' Division of Oil and Gas said July 17 that within 30 days it will release Cook Inlet 3D seismic (North Kenai 2D) permitted by Apache Alaska Corp. An accompanying map shows an area mostly offshore that is west of the Kitchen Lights and North Cook Inlet unit....

  • This month in history: How 'not' to do an Alaska gas pipeline - 07/28/2024 (Login to read Full story) Alaska legislators got something of a history lesson in mid-June 2004 at the first of three hearings on issues surrounding a proposed natural gas pipeline to take Alaska North Slope gas to market. Although natural gas tariff issues were the focus of this hearing, royalty value and tax rates were al....

  • Baker Hughes US rig count up by 2 to 586 - 07/28/2024 (Login to read Full story) The Baker Hughes' U.S. rotary drilling rig count was 586 the week ending July 19, up by two rigs from 584 the previous week, and down by 83 from 660 a year ago, after dropping by one the week ending July 12. Over the last eight weeks the rig count was unchanged one week, down in five and up in two w....

  • AOGCC approves gas offtake rate at Milne - 07/28/2024 (Login to read Full story) The Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission has approved a gas offtake rate for the Milne Point unit. Hilcorp Alaska applied May 17 for an allowable gas offtake rate at Milne to allow it to sell compressed natural gas to a third party. In its application Hilcorp said gas produced from the oil p....

  • Oil patch bits: GCI announces reseller agreement with SpaceX's Starlink - 07/28/2024 (Login to read Full story) GCI, Alaska's largest telecommunications company, said July 17 that it has entered into an enterprise reseller agreement with low earth orbit satellite provider Starlink, a global leader in the LEO space. The agreement enables GCI to integrate Starlink's advanced satellite technology into its suite....

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  • Shell surrenders W. Harrison Bay leases 05/15/2024
  • Armstrong exploration drilling campaign extends prolific Brookian topset fairway 65 miles to east 04/23/2024
  • Hilcorp applies to expand Milne Point unit 03/08/2024
  • Jade files request for reconsideration with ADNR commissioner 03/04/20242

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