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September 15, 2022 --- Vol. 28, No.17September 2022

Armstrong firm starting NPR-A drilling program in 2023

A Bill Armstrong company, North Slope Energy LLC, applied to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation for an Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan as part of its "West Inigok Exploration Area Exploration Program" in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.

Operator and leaseholder North Slope Energy plans to conduct a multi-year onshore oil and gas exploration drilling program in the area, starting with two wells.

Drilling operations are expected to begin around Feb. 15, 2023.

The ODPCP was signed by William D. Armstrong, president of Armstrong Oil & Gas Inc., manager (presumably manager of North Slope Energy LLC), on Aug. 12, 2022. The notice of the application was posted this morning, Sept. 15.

The ODPCP was prepared for North Slope Energy by ASRC Consulting & Environmental, a subsidiary of ASRC Energy Services.

The proposed drilling locations are on lease tracts west of the Inigok Airstrip. Well sites are approximately 150 miles from hydrocarbon recycling and processing facilities in the Kuparuk River Unit and within 170 miles for recycling and disposal facilities in the Prudhoe Bay Unit.

An existing 7.5-acre gravel pad will be used. This pad is connected to the Inigok Airstrip by an all-season gravel road and can be accessed from all the planned wells via ice or snow road.

All planned exploratory drilling projects would be conducted upon ice pads using overland packed snow roads originating from Drill Site 2P and extending west across the Colville River to the West Inigok Area exploration drill sites.

An ice pad will be constructed, approximately 500 feet by 400 feet in size, adjacent to DS-2P to provide space for storage and fuel storage and transfer.

For the first drilling season, the All American 111 drill rig will be mobilized to drill up to two well sites within approximately 18 miles west of Inigok Airstrip.

Wells are planned as single, vertical wellbores drilled into potential liquid hydrocarbon zones. Well formation evaluations via open and cased hole logs will be performed during the drilling at all wells.

At completion of formation evaluation, wells will be plugged and abandoned.

The primary target reservoir objectives are Nanushuk sand.


See full story in Sept. 25 issue of Petroleum News, available online Thursday, Sept. 22 at www.petroleumnews.com.

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