Providing coverage of Alaska and northern Canada's oil and gas industry
July 2024

Vol. 29, No.27 Week of July 07, 2024

May ANS production down 3.2% from April

Point Thomson back in production; biggest crude decline, 43.2%, 6,764 bpd, at ConocoPhillips Alaska's Greater Moose Tooth in NPR-A

Kristen Nelson

Petroleum News

Alaska North Slope production averaged 461,064 barrels per day in May, down 15,257 bpd, 3.2%, from an April average of 476,321 bpd and down 3.1% from a May 2023 average of 475,814 bpd. Crude production, 88.6% of the total, averaged 408,386 bpd in May, down 12,696 bpd, 3%, from an April average of 421,083 bpd, and down 3.1% from a May 2023 average of 421,582 bpd. Natural gas liquids, 11.4% of the total, averaged 52,678 bpd in May, down 2,561 bpd, 4.6%, from an April average of 55,238 bpd and down 2.9% from a May 2023 average of 54,232 bpd.

Production data come from the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission which reports production by field and well on a month delay basis.

The North Slope Borough temperature averaged 27.1 degrees F in May, up from an average of 10.9 degrees F in April and down from a May 2023 average of 29.6 degrees F. The 1925-2000 mean for May is 25.6 degrees F, so the May 2024 average is up 1.5 degrees F from that mean. Temperature data are from the county time series maintained by NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information, which has North Slope Borough temperatures beginning in 1925.

Point Thomson, Badami, Milne

Only three North Slope fields had month-over-month production increases: Point Thomson, Badami and Milne Point.

At Point Thomson, the line connecting that field to its tie-in with Badami evidently came back online in late April as the field reported some production in that month. The last regular production at the field was in the first half of January. On Jan. 13, Point Thomson operator Hilcorp Alaska reported a leak detection alarm in the line, which the company visually confirmed the next day as coming from a point some 35 miles east of Point Thomson and about a mile southeast of the Badami Pad. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation's Division of Spill Prevention and Response reported a repair clamp was installed Jan. 28, to be followed by monitoring and cleanup at the site. April was the first month after January to show production -- just 1,030 barrels for the month.

AOGCC data for May show 31 days of production from Point Thomson, averaging 2,042 bpd, up 2,008 bpd from an April average of 34 bpd but down 59.8% from a May 2023 average of 5,081 bpd.

At Badami, operated by Savant Alaska, a Glacier Oil and Gas company, May production averaged 863 bpd, up 111 bpd, 14.8%, from an April average of 752 bpd and up 48.8% from a May 2023 average of 580 bpd.

Hilcorp Alaska's Milne Point field averaged 44,176 bpd in May, up 752 bpd, 1.7%, from an April average of 43,424 bpd and up 18.4% from a May 2023 average of 37,322 bpd. Milne Point produces primarily from the Schrader Bluff and Kuparuk oil pools, with minor Sag River and Ugnu volumes.

Most fields down month-over-month

The largest month-over-month decline was at ConocoPhillips Alaska's Greater Mooses Tooth in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, which averaged 8,906 bpd in May, down 6,764 bpd, 43.2%, from an April average of 15,671 bpd and down 53.5% from a May 2023 average of 19,152 bpd. Greater Mooses Tooth produces from two oil reservoirs, Lookout and Rendezvous. Rendezvous, which has been the more productive, produced only 8,013 bpd in May, compared to 13,937 bpd in April; nine wells produced at Rendezvous in both months.

Hilcorp Alaska's Endicott averaged 5,228 bpd in May, down 510 bpd, 8.9%, from an April average of 5,738 bpd and down 15.9% from a May 2023 average of 6,217 bpd. Endicott crude, 90.5% of the field's total, averaged 4,730 bpd in May, down 269 bpd, 5.4%, from an April average of 4,999 bpd and down 12.8% from a May 2023 average of 5,427 bpd. Endicott NGLs, 9.5% of the total, averaged 497 bpd in May, down 241 bpd, 32.7%, from an April average of 739 bpd and down 37.1% from a May 2023 average of 790 bpd.

The ConocoPhillips Alaska-operated Kuparuk River field averaged 76,224 bpd in May, down 3,771 bpd, 4.7%, from an April average of 79,995 bpd and down 4.4% from a May 2023 average of 79,717 bpd. In addition to the main Kuparuk pool, Kuparuk produces from satellites at Tabasco and Tarn, and from West Sak.

Eni's Nikaitchuq averaged 14,076 bpd in May, down 572 bpd, 3.9%, from an April average of 14,648 bpd and down 9.2% from a May 2023 average of 15,500 bpd. (Hilcorp Alaska is in the process of acquiring Nikaitchuq.)

Hilcorp Alaska's Northstar averaged 5,315 bpd in May, down 196 bpd, 3.6%, from an April average of 5,511 bpd and down 14.1% from a May 2023 average of 6,186 bpd. Northstar crude, 54.4% of the field's total, averaged 2,890 bpd in May, down 122 bpd, 4.1%, from an April average of 3,012 bpd and down 18.2% from a May 2023 average of 3,532 bpd. Northstar NGLs, 45.6% of the total, averaged 2,425 bpd in May, down 75 bpd, 3%, from an April average of 2,500 bpd and down 8.6% from a May 2023 average of 2,654 bpd.

Hilcorp North Slope-operated Prudhoe Bay averaged 260,892 bpd in May, down 6,125 bpd, 2.3%, from an April average of 267,017 bpd and down 1% from a May 2023 average of 263,482 bpd. Prudhoe crude, 80.9% of the field's total, averaged 211,137 bpd in May, down 3,880 bpd, 1.8%, from an April average of 215,017 bpd and down 0.7% from a May 2023 average of 212,695 bpd. Prudhoe NGLs, 19.1% of the field's total, averaged 49,755 bpd in May, down 2,245 bpd, 4.3%, from an April average of 52,000 and down 2% from a May 2023 average of 50,787 bpd.

In addition to the primary reservoir, production volumes from Prudhoe include Aurora, Borealis, Lisburne, Midnight Sun, Niakuk, Polaris, Point McIntyre, Put River, Raven and Schrader Bluff.

Eni's Oooguruk averaged 5,756 bpd in May, down 87 bpd, 1.5%, from an April average of 5,842 bpd and down 17.4% from a May 2023 average of 6,970 bpd. (Hilcorp Alaska is in the process of acquiring Oooguruk.)

ConocoPhillips Alaska's Colville River averaged 37,587 bpd in May, down 102 bpd, 0.3%, from an April average of 37,689 bpd, but up 5.6% from a May 2023 average of 35,605 bpd. Compared to May 2023, production from the CD3 pad at Colville (as a percentage of the whole) is up 4%, production from the CD4 pad is up 14% and production from the CD5 pad is down 18%, reflecting development of the Narwhal reservoir from CD4. CD4 produces from the Alpine, Nanuq and Qaannik oil pools, all three pools under production at Colville.

Cook Inlet crude down 3.7%

Cook Inlet crude production averaged 8,558 bpd in May, down 326 bpd, 3.6%, from an April average of 8,885 bpd and down 1.2% from a May 2023 average of 8,664 bpd. The volume consists of 99.4% crude and 0.6% NGLs, all of the latter from Swanson River.

Hilcorp Alaska's McArthur River, the largest of the Cook Inlet oil fields, averaged 2,371 bpd in May (27.7% of the inlet's total), down 229 bpd, 8.8%, from an April average of 2,600 bpd and down 8.8% from a May 2023 average of 2,618 bpd.

Hilcorp's Granite Point, the other sizeable inlet crude producer, averaged 2,135 bpd in May (25% of inlet production), up 75 bpd, 3.6%, from an April average of 2,060 bpd but down 6% from a May 2023 average of 2,270 bpd.

Hilcorp's Trading Bay averaged 912 bpd in May, up 27 bpd, 3%, from an April average of 885 bpd and up 3.9% from a May 2023 average of 877 bpd.

Cook Inlet Energy's West McArthur River averaged 840 bpd in May, down 137 bpd, 14%, from an April average of 977 bpd but up 120.5% from a May 2023 average of 381 bpd. CIE is a Glacier Oil and Gas company.

Hilcorp's Swanson River averaged 737 bpd in May (690 bpd of crude and 47 bpd of NGLs), down 31 bpd, 4%, from an April average of 768 bpd and down 5.1% from a May 2023 average of 777 bpd.

BlueCrest's Hansen averaged 676 bpd in May, up 3 bpd, 0.5%, from an April average of 673 bpd but down 5.7% from a May 2023 average of 717 bpd.

CIE's Redoubt Shoal averaged 624 bpd in May, down 31 bpd, 4.7%, from an April average of 655 bpd but up 2.3% from a May 2023 average of 610 bpd.

Hilcorp's Beaver Creek averaged 262 bpd in May, down 5 bpd, 1.8%, from an April average of 267 bpd and down 36.6% from a May 2023 average of 414 bpd.

ANS crude oil production peaked in 1988 at 2.1 million bpd; Cook Inlet crude oil production peaked in 1970 at more than 227,000 bpd.

Cook Inlet gas production up 0.9%

Cook Inlet natural gas production averaged 203,995 thousand cubic feet per day in May, up 1,733 mcf per day, 0.9%, from an April average of 202,262 mcf per day and up 1.6% from a May 2023 average of 200,719 mcf per day.

Volumes are calculated from Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission data, reported on a month-delay basis. For natural gas AOGCC reports measurements in thousands of cubic feet, mcf.

The basin's production is dominated by large fields, with 84.2% of May volumes coming from the seven largest fields and 14 smaller fields with production in the month contributing a combined 15.8%.

The Hilcorp Alaska-operated Beluga River gas field averaged 44,168 mcf per day in May, 21.7% of inlet production, down 434 mcf per day, 1%, from an April average of 44,602 mcf per day but up 35.6% from a May 2023 average of 32,573 mcf per day. In May 2023 there were 16 wells producing at the field, and only one well with production of more than 100,000 mcf for the month; in May 2024 there were 21 producing wells and three had production of more than 100,000 mcf for the month. Chugach Electric Association is the majority working interest owner at Beluga.

Hilcorp's North Cook Inlet gas field averaged 40,039 mcf per day in May, 19.6% of inlet production, down 672 mcf per day, 1.7%, from an April average of 40,711 mcf per day but up 6.3% from a May 2023 average of 37,665 mcf per day.

Hilcorp's Ninilchik gas field averaged 33,252 mcf per day in May, 16.3% of inlet production, down 1,198 mcf per day, 3.5%, from an April average of 34,451 mcf per day and down 15.1% from a May 2023 average of 39,167 mcf per day.

Hilcorp's Kenai gas field averaged 20,991 mcf per day in May, 10.3% of inlet production, up 2,399 mcf per day, 12.9%, from an April average of 18,592 mcf per day and up 4.8% from a May 2023 average of 20,024 mcf per day. In May 30 wells at the field were producing, compared to 29 in April.

Hilcorp's McArthur River, which produces both gas and oil, averaged 11,769 mcf per day in May, 5.8% of inlet production, down 223 mcf per day, 1.9%, from an April average of 11,992 bpd and down 21.7% from a May 2023 average of 25,037 mcf per day. McArthur River gas production comes primarily from the Steelhead platform, some 90%, with additional production from Grayling (some 4%), Dolly Varden (some 3%) and less than 1% each from the King Salmon and Monopod. Year-over-year, gas production is down from all five platforms.

Hilcorp's Swanson River, which produces both gas and oil, averaged 11,043 mcf per day in May, 5.4% of inlet volume, up 2,636 mcf per day, 31.4%, from an April average of 8,406 mcf per day and up 2.1% from a May 2023 average of 10,811 mcf per day. Thirty wells were in production at the field in May, up from 27 in April.

Furie's Kitchen Lights gas field averaged 10,560 mcf per day in May, 5.2% of inlet volume, down 556 mcf per day, 5%, from an April average of 11,116 mcf per day but up 2.9% from a May 2023 average of 10,260 mcf per day.

Hilcorp's Beaver Creek is the largest of the smaller producing fields, averaging 8,505 mcf per day in May, down 1,778 mcf per day, 17.3%, from an April average but up 36.9% from a May 2023 average of 6,212 mcf per day, with a consistent number of wells producing gas -- 13 -- in all three periods.

Hilcorp's Cannery Loop averaged 4,798 mcf per day in May, down 96 mcf per day, 2%, from an April average of 4,894 mcf per day and down 13.1% from a May 2023 average of 5,521 mcf per day.

Hilcorp's Lewis River averaged 3,672 mcf per day in May, up 2,007 mcf per day, 120.6%, from an April average of 1,664 mcf per day and up 914.2% from a May 2023 average of 362 mcf per day. A year ago, Lewis River was producing from a single well, in April and May of this year there are two wells in production at the field, with month-over-month production increases at both.

Hilcorp's Deep Creek averaged 3,382 mcf per day in May, up 48 mcf per day, 1.4%, from an April average of 3,334 mcf per day but down 9.2% from a May 2023 average of 3,725 mcf per day.

Hilcorp's Granite Point averaged 3,110 mcf per day in May, up 174 mcf per day, 5.9%, from an April average of 2,935 mcf per day but down 5% from a May 2023 average of 3,274 mcf per day.

Hilcorp's Ivan River averaged 2,235 mcf per day in May, down 595 mcf per day, 21%, from an April average of 2,830 mcf per day and down 73.1% from a May 2023 average of 8,296 mcf per day. Last May there were four wells in production at Ivan River; this May there are only two.

AIX's Kenai Loop averaged 1,965 mcf per day in May, down 108 mcf per day, 5.2%, from an April average of 2,073 mcf per day and down 2.2% from a May 2023 average of 2,010 mcf per day.

Vision Operating's North Fork averaged 1,903 mcf per day in May, down 14 mcf per day, 0.7%, from an April average of 1,918 mcf per day and down 20% from a May 2023 average of 2,378 mcf per day. The same six wells were in production at North Fork this May and in May 2023, but production was lower at all of those wells this year.

BlueCrest's Hansen averaged 1,218 mcf per day in May, up 152 mcf per day, 14.2%, from an April average of 1,066 mcf per day but down 16% from a May 2023 average of 1,449 mcf per day. All gas production at Hansen is from wells designated as oil producers; the same six wells are in production this year as last, with lower volumes produced in all cases.

Hilcorp's Trading Bay, produced from the Monopod, averaged 669 mcf per day in May, down 62 mcf per day, 8.5%, from an April average of 731 mcf per day and down 47.7% from a May 2023 average of 1,278 mcf per day.

Amaroq's Nicolai Creek averaged 276 mcf per day in May, up 78 mcf per day, 39.7%, from an April average of 198 mcf per day and up 3.6% from a May 202d average of 267 mcf per day. This May, this April and last May a single well, Nicolai Creek 9, was in production at the field.

Cook Inlet Energy's West McArthur River averaged 212 mcf per day in May, down 28 mcf per day from April but up 99.9 mcf per day from a May 2023 average of 106 mcf per day. This May three Sword wells at the field accounted for 43.9% of its volume, compared to 1.2% in May 2023. CIE is a Glacier Oil and Gas company.

CIE's Redoubt Shoal averaged 160 mcf per day in May, down 5 mcf per day, 2.8%, from an April average of 165 mcf per day but up 11.8% from a May 2023 average of 143 mcf per day.

Hilcorp's Nikolaevsk averaged 68 mcf per day in May, up 7 mcf per day, 11.5%, from an April average of 61 mcf per day and down 57.7% from a May 2023 average of 161 mcf per day. There are two wells at the field, but Red 1 was the only well producing this May and last May.

Cook Inlet natural gas production peaked in 1990 at more than 850,000 mcf per day.

--Kristen Nelson


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