No substantial new info for 2 2025 sales
Petroleum News
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources' Division of Oil and Gas said Jan. 10 that it received no substantial new information in response to a call for new information for the 2025 Cook Inlet and Alaska Peninsula areawide lease sales. Areawide best interest findings are required every 10 years and state statutes require an annual call for new information. The CFNI for the Alaska Peninsula and Cook Inlet sales was issued Oct. 11 with information required by Nov. 12.
The division said it received one timely comment, that from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, advocating information updates and changes to mitigation measures.
The director's decision included responses to the comments, finding "that no substantial new information was received in response to the CFNI to justify a supplement to the Alaska Peninsula Areawide Final Best Interest Finding or the Cook Inlet Areawide Final Best Interest Finding."
There is a 20-day appeal period.
These sales are typically held in the spring. Cook Inlet is an active producing and exploration area and its sales draw bids; there are no active leases in the Alaska Peninsula areawide sale area and that sale has not drawn any bids in recent years.
--Petroleum News