Oil patch insider: Chugach donates turkeys; Pikka POD okayed; inlet bidding opens
Petroleum News
Chugach Electric Association is continuing its tradition of supporting Alaska families over the holidays by donating 450 turkeys to 10 local non-profits.
The holiday turkey delivery is underway this week, the cooperative said Dec. 13.
“One of the seven principles of electric cooperatives is community support,” said Chugach CEO Arthur Miller. “We are pleased to continue this tradition of supporting holiday food baskets for the people and communities we serve.”
This is the 21st year Chugach has donated turkeys to local non-profits to help fill the need for holiday meals throughout the local area. The turkeys are purchased from Carrs/Safeway and distributed by Chugach to the charities.
The organizations receiving the turkeys include:
*Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission
*Alaska Women’s Aid in Crisis (AWAIC)
*Bean’s Cafe
*Boys & Girls Club Alaska
*Catholic Social Services’ St. Francis House Food Pantry
*Covenant House Alaska
*Food Bank of Alaska
*Lutheran Social Services of Alaska
*New Hope Compassionate Ministries
*The Salvation Army Alaska’s McKinnell House
In addition to the turkey donations, Chugach also made monetary contributions to the Kenai Lake Baptist Church food pantry in Cooper Landing and the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank in Soldotna.
The food pantry in Cooper Landing serves residents of that community, and the food bank in Soldotna serves Hope, Moose Pass and Tyonek. All of those communities receive electric service from Chugach.
Pikka 2023 POD approved On Nov. 14 Alaska’s Division of Oil and Gas approved Oil Search (Alaska)’s 2023 plan of development for Phase 1 of the Pikka unit development project.
In his approval letter division Director Derek Nottingham said the 2023 POD is for the period of Feb. 1, 2023, through Jan. 31, 2024.
During the 2023 POD detailed engineering, procurement, construction and permitting will continue on the Phase 1 scope, along with planning activities for future phases.
Drilling will begin in the second quarter of 2023. Seven to nine wells will be drilled, beginning with a disposal well.
In the 2022 POD Nottingham said as planned, OSA continued engineering and permitting in anticipation of a final investment decision. Final investment for Phase One was approved on Aug. 16, and long lead items were ordered, permitting, engineering and contracting for future work was conducted.
Phase 1 of the development will be designed to produce 80,000 barrels of oil daily from the Pikka unit starting shortly after start-up in the first half of 2026.
This approval is only for a general plan of development. Specific field operations require separate approval under 11 AAC 83.346, Unit Plan of Operations. Under 11 AAC 83.343, the 2024 POD is due Nov. 3, 2023, 90 days before the 2023 POD expires.
Bidding open for Cook Inlet lease sale Bidding opened Dec. 12 for the state’s December 2022 Cook Inlet areawide oil and gas lease sale. The sale is being hosted by EnergyNet, with bidding to close Dec. 28 at 4 p.m. and results available to the public online at https://dog.dnr.alaska.gov on Dec. 30 at 9 a.m.
Bidder registration and bid submission is through the EnergyNet Government Listings site at http://www.energynet.com/s/alaska.
The state’s Cook Inlet areawide sale is regularly held in the spring in conjunction with the Alaska Peninsula areawide.
Department of Natural Resources Deputy Commissioner John Crowther said in an October sale announcement that the special Cook Inlet sale was being offered “to coincide with the federal sale for the benefit of potential bidders and in accordance with our constitutional duties.”
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 required the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to hold a Cook Inlet lease sale by Dec. 31 and that sale will take place Dec. 30 with online opening and reading of bids at 10 a.m. Alaska time, accessible via a link on www.boem.gov/ak258.
- Oil Patch Insider is compiled by Petroleum News