At 431,758 bpd ANS down 6.9% for July
Average down 8.6% from July 2022; Prudhoe down 17,774 bpd, 7.9%; Colville River down 8,260 bpd, 23%; Point Thomson down 14.6%
Kristen Nelson Petroleum News
Alaska North Slope production averaged 431,768 barrels per day in July, down 32,020 bpd, 6.9%, from a June average of 463,788 bpd and down 8.6% from a July 2022 average of 472,481 bpd. Crude oil accounted for 90.1% of the total, 388,840 bpd in July, down 26,092 bpd, 6.3%, from a June average of 414,....
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Prudhoe, Colville, Kuparuk River Smaller month-over-month declines Month-over-month increases Inlet natural gas down 1.2% Natural
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